The MiR250

Max Speed
2.0 m/s
Run Time
13 hours
250 kg
800 mm x 580 mm x 300 mm
The MiR250 is a state-of-the-art autonomous mobile robot from the company MiR. With a maximum speed of 2.0 meters per second, it is designed to efficiently navigate dynamic environments, making it an ideal solution for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.
One of the key features of the MiR250 is its long run time of 13 hours, which allows it to work around the clock without interruption. Additionally, the robot’s robust design ensures a long lifetime and easy serviceability, making it a reliable and cost-effective option for any business.
The MiR250 also boasts a significant payload capacity of 250 kg, allowing it to handle large loads with ease. Its compact dimensions of 800 mm length, 580 mm wide and 300 mm height make it easy to maneuver in tight spaces. The robot can also be equipped with fast battery swap feature, enabling it to work continuously with no downtime.
An ESD version of the MiR250 is also available, making it a suitable option for use in electronic-sensitive environments.